Documentary following the lives of young (under 25, as the gov definition of young) gamekeepers and their lives over the span of a year. Many of these young men come from generations of gamer keepers, farmers and others who worked the land. A job/industry that is not widely known about except by those directly connected to it. They live different lives to many other young people, some living remotely, a solitary life with no internet access or phone signal, not something often thought about for young people. Their days are spent differently to others their age- days alone on the mountains tracking animals, having gun licenses, monitoring and managing wildlife populations, wearing waterproofs as others do trainers. This project gives a snapshot into the life of.
Leaving school as soon as he could to pursue his passion of gamekeeping, his two elder brothers and father are also keepers and his sister works with horses. The most useful education in his eyes was and has been what he learn from his family, setting him up for the life that is to come for him. Comparatively to others his age he holds much responsibility from a gun licence to xx but for him he just starting to live out what he’s been training for the last 16 years. The depth of knowledge of land and beast is expansive, flora and fauna awareness being second nature.
Duncan lives alone up a mountain with no phone signal, internet a 30 miles from a tarmacked road. His main companion during the week and work is his gun dog Zinzan. Some of the terrain he covers can’t be accessed by any vehicle and horses are his only way to carry equipment or carcasses from a shoot.
Heather Burning